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7406 Ward Pkwy
Kansas City, MO, 64114
United States

(816) 361-2201


Parent Handbook

We are happy to welcome you to the family of Ward Parkway Preschool Parents. The staff and Directors of Ward Parkway Preschool look forward to working with you to provide a fun, meaningful, and exciting early childhood experience for your preschooler.

Ward Parkway Preschool offers a loving, Christian environment where each child can develop spiritually, physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually through developmentally appropriate activities. These activities are based on the Constructivist Theory that children learn best and are more excited about learning when they are actively involved in constructing their own knowledge through interaction with the physical and social world as they understand it. As stated in our philosophy, play is one of the major ways in which children construct knowledge.

To see sample daily schedules and to find out more about our philosophy click the button below.